KITGOD is committed to providing clear and accurate information that is intended to prevent any surprises for our consumers. Below are a few frequently asked questions (FAQ) that should help answer any questions you might have.

If you do not find the answer you are looking for, have a suggestion, or just want to say what's up, please email us at support@kitgod.co.

Does KITGOD accept returns or exchanges?

  • Unfortunately, KITGOD does not accept returns or exchanges at this time. If your product arrives damaged, please contact us and we will resolve the issue. You can reach us at support@kitgod.co.

When will my order be shipped?

  • KITGOD is currently a very small business. We fulfill and ship out orders on Monday's and Friday's. If you have not received a shipping notification, please reach out to us at support@kitgod.co

    Do I have to be a veteran to wear KITGOD?

    • Absolutely not, KITGOD is for everyone. Our designs take inspiration from some military aspects, but this does not make our products exclusive.

    Does KITGOD ship internationally?

    • We do offer international shipping to most countries. Be advised, shipping times and prices may vary depending on the location and shipping service selected.